It's been yet another long period of time since my last update. But yeah, I bring you another AxleGrease armor: the Crystalix armor. Utilizing a rare, reflective and sharp mineral known as crystalix, the armor is capable of deflecting oncoming energy related projectiles, thanks to the crystalix shield. Its offensive capabilities are just as powerful, with the ability to form a sword and launch crystallized projectiles from its arm gun. Despite its lack of explosives, however, the crystalix can ignite into fire, which is great for napalm, given the right circumstances.
The artwork above him is Trey Dechant, our hero. This Canadian-Filipino 16 year old is a Straight A's talented wallflower, who stumbles upon the AxelGrease weapon after a party one faithful night. His intelligence is matched by his father, but is overlooked and dismissed by many. He is a bassist for his band the Hunks of Metal, and shares a deep connection with his mother, and his childhood friend, Jane. Suicide crowded his mind frequently with the vague attention he receives, but with the AxelGrease weapon bonded to his DNA, Trey made an oath to protect the people from the many threats Earth would soon face, whether they knew it was Trey or not.
That's all for now. Currently working on a Heavy Weapons armor. ;)
I remember seeing these pics in programming class. you duh computer booooiiiiii (: